Thursday, October 25, 2018

Indian Horse Part 2- Hockey

Image result for indian horse hockey

Hockey is critical to Saul's story. He speaks about the "snow white stage," the "white glory of a rink," and "the feel of the rink on my face." What does hockey come to mean to Saul and why? Are all his hockey experiences affirming? Can you relate an activity in your life that becomes an escape from the day to day challenges you face? How does this activity help you cope?

Image result for indian horse hockey

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Indian Horse Part I- Residential Schools

Saul is sent to a residential school. What techniques did Richard Wagamese use to portray the residential school experience? How effective do you think those techniques are? Use specific examples from the novel to prove your point. Share your knowledge on what you have learned about residential schools, was it similarly or differently portrayed? What stands out strongly in your mind?

Image result for residential schools

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Test post

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