Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Test post

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  1. Hi
    Please answer this post so that I know you all have access. Your long responses should be done in Word and pasted into the blog. Please include your name in your response so I know it is you.
    Ms. Sauve

  2. hi Ms Sauve

    No i am not enjoying the book Indian Horse i find it boring and hard to follow and i don't think we should learn this book. I'm not a fan of how he explains things in the book.

    by Jordan Sauve

  3. Good morning Ms. Sauvé
    Is this thing on? This is my test post.
    I am indeed enjoying the book, which is surprising cause I hate reading but I find it easier to understand the complexity of the novel when it is read to me by a professional.
    P.S get more markers.
    Liam Richard Daniel Murphy (the first)

    1. I agree with the fact that it's easier for something dark like this to be read by a teacher.
      Maya Fleury

  4. Hi Mrs. Sauvé 
    This is your student Desmond I am not really a fan of the book, I hate reading, it’s not the worst thing I've ever read but I just don’t like reading. 
    I hope this response finds you well 
    Sincerely yours truly 
    Love Desmond......... please I don’t think my parents do 

  5. Hi Ms Sauve,
    This is my test post, hope your doing well also to add to my test post I personally think that the book is boring, I do not enjoy the novel at the moment hopefully the book gets better because I like reading although books like this do not float my boat.

    Gaby Plouffe

  6. I enjoy Indian Horse a lot. I love books the reflect on history from an inside point of view. Reading about Saul and his family’s struggle with society at the time is very sad but it seems like I can’t stop reading to find out the next milestone in the book. This book brings awareness to readers who don’t know the truth about residential schools. I suggest this book to anyone who enjoys a good read. - Madison 

    1. I agree with you on the fact that you can't stop reading the book because of cliffhangers and intrigue. And I also agree with the fact that before I knew nothing about residential schools, but now I know.
      Maya Fleury

    2. Hey, i’m a high school student who hated reading may you please help me with the book, please email me:

  7. Good morning Mrs. Sauve
    I am enjoying the novel Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese. Although I find it difficult at some parts of the book too understand what point of view we are in.
    Megan Sauve

    1. I agree with the confusing viewpoints.
      Maya Fleury

  8. Hi Ms. Sauvé.
    This is my test post.
    I am enjoying Indian Horse very much. I hadn’t known about residential schools before this, so I am gaining much needed knowledge in all things Indigenous lol. I have to say as authors go, Richard Wagamese is pretty good. Usually I get bored easily with non-fiction books, but I love this one. I love how he uses subtle things to pull the reader (aka me) in so they are intrigued and want to keep reading. I am very pleased with this book and I hope the next book will be as good as this.
    Yours truly,
    Maya Fleury☺

  9. Hi Ms. Sauve
    This is my test post. I am enjoying the novel Indian Horse because I like how the story is full of adventures. Also how they had to live in that time
    By Jake Lalonde

    1. I agree. I love the action and surprising details in the story as well.
      Maya Fleury

  10. Hi Ms. Sauve,
    I don’t like the novel because, I find it very hard to keep up with it and extremely confusing.
    I am looking forward to seeing what happens throughout the rest of the novel though, perhaps my feelings towards the book will change.
    Emily McCabe

  11. Hi Ms. Sauvé

    This is my test post I have access to this now.

    I am enjoying Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, so far it is very detailed and interesting. I believe it is easy to follow, its not too hard of a read. The book tells us about the history of residential schools, and how some families (Sauls family) went through rough times. The book is read in a good point of view and I enjoy how we get to know his past.


    1. I agree, I love the details and awareness to this tragedy that happened years ago.
      Maya Fleury

  12. Hello Ms. Sauve
    Hi this is my test post.
    I am enjoying the book so far. There are some parts I really enjoy but there are some parts that could be better. The part I like is that we get to learn little parts about Saul Indian Horse. We get to learn also some parts about Saul’s family. The only thing I don’t like is that when we started the book it jumped right to him going the New Dawn Center and we learn that he is brought there.
    Tiffany Blais

    1. I agree. The jump was a bit of a shocker. I would've also preferred it have more of a story line at the beginning.
      Maya Fleury

    2. Hey, i’m a high school student who hated reading may you please help me with the book, please email me:

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. hello mrs.sauve
    i am loving this book although i feel like i dont like books or anything to do with school but its ok i would rather be home but its ight

  15. Greetings MS. Sauvé
    This my test post,
    I don’t like the book, there is too much back and forward therefore I do not like the book. It makes me confused. I also don’t like the book because reading hurts me.
    Frederyk Bernier

  16. Hi Ms. Sauvé
    The book is decent I mean if there was more explosions and stuff it would be better but for now "i think it's fine" -Danny Duncan

    Sincerely Matt

  17. Hello Ms. Sauvé,
    This is my test post. My opinion is that the book is interesting so far, but the theme is dark and makes me slightly uncomfortable. Thank for understanding, and yes, my blogger works.
    Erika :)

    1. I feel you girl. It makes me uncomfortable slightly as well.

    2. Hey, i’m a high school student who hated reading may you please help me with the book, please email me:

  18. Good day and greetings to all. I truly and surely am enjoying this book, Indian Horse. I think that Richard Wagamese is already doing a great job showing what aboriginal people had to go through. I can’t wait to finish the book, and to find out what happens next, if Gods Lake will actually hide them from the white men.
    Guten Tag und Grüße an alle. Ich genieße dieses Buch, Indian Horse. Ich denke, dass Richard Wagamese bereits großartige Arbeit leistet und zeigt, was die Ureinwohner durchmachen mussten. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, das Buch zu Ende zu bringen und herauszufinden, was als nächstes passiert, wenn Gods Lake sie tatsächlich vor den weißen Männern versteckt.
    Buen día y saludos a todos. Realmente y seguramente estoy disfrutando este libro, Indian Horse. Creo que Richard Wagamese ya está haciendo un gran trabajo mostrando lo que los aborígenes tuvieron que pasar. No puedo esperar para terminar el libro y descubrir qué pasa después, si Gods Lake realmente los esconderá de los hombres blancos

    Thank you, and good-bye,

    P.S why is this website insecure? Please do not send me viruses.
    All translations taken from google translate.

    1. nicht schlecht. Gute Verwendung der deutschen Sprache. lol
      All translations taken from google translate.

  19. Hi Ms. Sauve,
    This is my test post. I like the novel Indian Horse so far, but I find it a bit confusing sometimes. I think it's great that we get to learn how indigenous people lived and how residential schools worked.
    Anastasiia Vynohradova

  20. Good morning Ms. Sauvé 
    This is my test post. 
    I don’t really like this book but that’s my opinion on this novel. I feel as if it’s really hard to follow along as to what is going on. 
    -Megan Legendre 

  21. Saul portrays the residential school experience as having the light taken from his own universe. Everything vanished with a whoosh, like a moose disappearing into spruce. Saul described the smell of the residential school as having a strong odor of bleach and disinfectant. Saul had every part of who he was basically removed, his long luscious locks of hair.
    “It felt as though they were trying to remove our skin.” (pg. 44)
    It’s as though they were trying to scrub the “Indian” out of him. They dressed everyone in stiff white man’s clothes.

    In my opinion I think that the techniques would have worked in a way to try and get them to forget who they are. Trying to beat them into submission, Changing their names to a more biblical name. Taking away their heritage and family name. Now when it comes to residential schools my knowledge on them was that kids are taken there to have their ways and practices removed from them and learn more about Christianity. They are trying to integrate their practices forcefully onto the other children. In my opinion it’s a very retrospective story.

    1. Hey, i’m a high school student who hated reading may you please help me with the book, please email me:

  22. hi ms.suave!!!!!!
